Our Mission
Every baked item is made in our dedicated Vegan, Gluten-free kitchen. Our Allergen free items are baked in a separate space to avoid cross contamination from tree nuts.
We are passionate about healthy food and living the Gluten-free life. Just like Orchid’s our baked goods are nurturing and enrich relationships with the most healthy ingredients that treat your gut well. All healthy sweets are baked, vegan, gluten-free & soy free.
We created Orchid’s Baked Goods to support gluten sensitivities and sugar cravings. Did you know that gluten can affect digestion and your auto-immune response which leads to weight gain? It happened to us! We are here to make dessert fun, healthy and easy to digest.
Orchid’s Baked Goods are made with a gluten-free oat flour blend and sweetened with low- glycemic coconut sugar to curb the sugar cravings and treat your gut well. Our dessert line includes Cookies, Donuts, Muffins, Tarts, and Minis. We have an ALLERGEN FREE line and Zero Sugar line. Every baked good is always vegan and gluten-free.
The History
This journey has been one that began 10 years ago when an increasing abdomen pain led me to the emergency room. I stood there crouched over after a long day of work from the New York fashion district. I nervously waited for my husband to arrive.
Scared, I waited as the nurses and doctors ran test after test and just after 4 am the diagnoses were a bacterial infection in my intestines, extreme constipation and an intolerance to gluten. I was sent home with a round of antibiotics and a diet to follow. “I’m in my 20’s, why was this happening?” I asked myself. I was on a mission to figure out why. I was intrigued that what each individual eats, can affect their digestion and hinder weight loss based on their unique immune response. I listened to my body intently, kept a journal and ate the foods that my body began to respond to best.
After having Grant, the first of 3 boys, my eating habits changed and I was met with the same digestive issues and developed chronic inflammation postpartum. Severely affected with inflammation and knee issues, I suffered constant pain while just walking as I held my new baby.
I thought to myself “this is not normal for a 30-year-old woman”. Back to the drawing board….
6 months postpartum with Nolan, I was 30 lbs over weight and again struggled to get my digestion under control. I exercised daily becoming increasingly frustrated that the weight wasn’t coming off. After several blood tests, my food choices and digestion again proved to be the culprit.
Micah was born during the first pandemic seen in 100 years and with every new pregnancy comes weight gain and a change in digestion.
This 3rd round was no different but was approached with a new found knowledge that food heals, food fuels and can be enjoyable if you follow which ones are best for your body. With knowledge of my food sensitivities and diagnoses of leaky gut I stuck to the foods that my body responded well to.
Micah helped to keep us inside as I began to meal prep and explore new recipes. I was determined to lose the baby weight and strengthen my health regimen. Still gluten-free and now dairy-free I begin to explore with healthy options for cookies and donuts. Sugar was eliminated from my diet and I searched for sugar alternatives to create gluten-free baked goods that had great texture. -Samantha
The first cookie was made with gluten-free almond flour and stevia (a natural sugar made from plants). Orchid’s Baked Goods became a reality to offer healthy grains, fats and natural sugars to everyone.

Micah’s Rules
Micah’s Rules is named after my third child. Micah is allergic to 7 of the Top 9 food allergens. This line was created so he and all may safely enjoy the great taste and texture of baked goods.