Intentional January
I used to hate January but now I love it. I used to hate it for many reasons… the grandest Holiday’s are over, it’s cold, it’s quiet and it’s too slow a pace for me.
This year I welcome January 2024 much different. I’m all the more intentional about my time and how I spend it. I am appreciative for every luxury I have. Simply waking up to a new day with fresh coffee and breath in my lungs, I have a grateful heart.
I work out several times a week which means while i’m building muscle, there are days that I must focus on recovery so I stretch multiple times a day. There is truly something peaceful about pulling out a yoga mat, deep breathing and stretching. There are many times through out the day I do this to decompress and recenter.
Meal prepping is a Sunday ritual so making sure my family and I have healthy gluten-free meals available is important. Along with proteins and vegetables, I meal prep sweet potatoes, red potatoes, brown rice and quinoa casseroles as well. Breakfast meal prep includes gf waffles and cream of rice for the week. Having healthy carbs on hand is essential.
Aware and grateful I enjoy the calmer pace of January. Self care, time with my family and meditation are my top priorities and there’s nothing to rush there.