Freedom & Self Discipline

Freedom can be many things you choose not do. Self discipline is a practice that never ends. When you make promises to yourself and you keep them, that is freedom.

I promise to listen to my body and eat foods that keep it healthy

I promise myself a daily walk of 60 minutes

I promise… I promise…I keep those promises and then I’m free.

When we decide to be disciplined, we decide to be free from regret. For me, when I used to consume unhealthy foods I would regret it the next morning. I saw it on my face, I saw it on the scale and definitely with my joints and digestion. It then transferred to a disappointed demeanor and more self sabotaging behavior there after. Decide to be free from consumption that leaves you with regret and feeling chained down. Each day of freedom adds up to small goals that you can be proud of while continuing to master Self Discipline.


A New Year, A better me


Intentional January